And given Rockstar's previous comments on player growth, we can assume that it's probably much more than 1%. With over 100 million copies sold, the game needs only 1% of buyers to be playing "GTA Online" for it to have a million players. Which is to say that more and more people were playing "GTA Online" over time. Here's what we do know about how popular it is: Rockstar Games said in January 2018 that "GTA Online" had more players in December 2017 than it did at any previous time. When we asked last year, representatives declined to answer. It's not clear exactly how popular it is, as Rockstar Games doesn't release player numbers. Speaking of, "GTA Online" is quite popular. The latest expansion to "GTA Online" was called "After Hours," and it included characters from "GTA" history. It comes with additional content and a bunch of virtual money to use in "GTA Online" - the massively popular online component of "GTA 5." In fact, Rockstar Games reissued "GTA 5" in a "Premium Edition" earlier this year. Simply put: Why release a new "GTA" when the most recent one is still selling so well?

"The only time it didn't was October 2014 when it hit at #21," Piscatella said.

Since "GTA 5" went on sale in September 2013, it has been one of the 20 best-selling games every month but one. "No other title comes anywhere near close," he said. NPD tracks game sales data in the United States. "Its performance is just other worldly," The NPD Group's Mat Piscatella told Business Insider in an email last year. It is an anomaly, statistically speaking. Most games in general don't enjoy the type of sales performance of a title like "GTA 5." Games like "Grand Theft Auto 5" - third-person, story-driven, open-world action games - don't usually enjoy sales performances like "GTA 5" has had. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.