Meroski said Cumberland County faces a lot of competition for the overnight stays of travelers headed to Florida from hotels and motels at other exits on Interstate 95 in North Carolina and South Carolina. “Everybody loves an incentive," Meroski said, "or some kind of discount.” People who stay in Cumberland hotels and motels on weekends when the bureau's office is closed can get the card by sending a copy of their hotel receipt along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the bureau's office or by emailing the hotel receipt to The bureau then sends the gas card to the visitor's home address.
#Observer and self addressed stamped envelope license#
To get the card, visitors who stay in any Cumberland County hotels and motels during a weekday have to come into the bureau's office at 245 Person Street with a copy of their hotel or motel receipt and driver's license showing that they are not a Cumberland County resident. “You've got thousands of cars going down 1-95 with people heading to the new Star Wars exhibit in Disney or heading to Florida as we start getting towards the fall and the winter months,” said John Meroski, the bureau's chief executive officer. Tourism officials want visitors to stay here at Exit 49 at Cedar Creek Road instead of one of the many other interstate exits north and south of here.

The incentive is part of the Fayettevile Area Convention and Visitors Bureau's “Midway to Mickey” (Mouse) campaign that is promoting Cumberland County as the midpoint of a trip between New York to Orlando, where Walt Disney attractions are located. Out-of-town visitors who stay in Cumberland County hotels and motels can get a $25 BP gas card to help pay for their travel expenses as part of a new promotion by tourism officials.