To the point where Peterson appears quite fearful about simply being alive: famously, in 2018, Peterson revealed that he lives by a very strict diet, which consists solely of ‘beef, salt and water’. Because, ultimately, what are you buying when you buy his thoughts and theories? Something that seems not to be working terribly well for him right now. Similarly, I wouldn’t accept rules – not even ‘advice’, or ‘thoughts’, but rules – for life from someone who appears quite sad, and lonely. I bring up just how happy Peterson’s own life is because, well – I wouldn’t buy shoes from a cobbler wearing two plastic bags on his feet.

When your feelings about a subject are so strong you start both denying, and campaigning against, facts – then you’re not really an academic Perhaps Peterson hasn’t yet learned to ‘do’ friendship, either.

Additionally, for Peterson to become so emotional when talking to Brand – there was a real sense of the floodgates opening – suggests that this isn’t a thing he’s been able to widely discuss in private, with family and friends. When their Rules for Life appear not to be working for them.
#Usborne thank you graphic christmas how to
All truths are useful for someone, somewhere.īut I’m always slightly alarmed when someone who is very confident and vocal about telling people how to be, and what to do, is themselves apparently struggling with just such a thing. Of course, as discussed before, there is no hierarchy of feelings – if you feel sad, you feel sad – and in so many ways, it’s all good work when a public male figure feels comfortable enough to discuss feeling overwhelmed, or depressed, or fearful. One has never even mentioned that she has children – as the police told her there was the very real possibility that, if the knowledge became public, there would be threats made against the children’s schools. All have had rape and death threats: two have panic buttons in their houses. In the room were an anti-FGM campaigner, a notable feminist, and a woman who has written a great deal about violence against women and girls. “But – he’s at work ? Can you imagine if any of us were invited to talk about our work – and just spent it crying?” “Obviously it’s not bad to cry, or tell the truth about your life,” the third said. I can’t think of a single female author who would come on to debate a subject, and then just talk about themselves, and how hard their success was, and then cry,” another said. But, still – can’t argue with making your bed, right? No one gets hurt by a guy who wants tidier bedrooms? With his dapper waistcoat and Kermit-tinged voice, Peterson presented like a Henson Workshop Bright Uncle.

Who knows how much more effective it would have been if our mothers had conflated our dirty duvets with the continuation of neo-liberal capitalism – and, indeed, the entire validity of organised protest. Perhaps our mothers were, at the time, too busy simultaneously loading the dishwasher and worming the cat to ‘go there’. Of course, we may note that here that Peterson has found a ‘fancy’ professor’s way to say, for £25 in hardback, what everyone’s mums have been saying to them, since they were born, for free. “I don’t know how you can go out and protest the structure of the entire economic system if you can’t keep your room organized.” “My sense is that if you want to change the world, you start with yourself and work outward because you build your competence that way,” he expanded.